Species of Nodes
This TouchDesigner-sketch is inhabited by a species of nodes.
The population of three are living inside,
and born out of, the TD-ecology.
Their anatomic network embodies different wave-nodes
and logic-organs. Their brain, consisting out of a D.A.T., provides them behavior and an image of self.

Therefore this behavior and their body are interlinked,
the muscle-operators moving and shaping themselves
by small algorithms.
Their inner workings are obscured
and enclosed by this body.
To try and understand them, an observer can enter
the TD-biosphere by operating the mouse-controlled ‘operator1’, externally moving and zooming.

Additionally, and if moving close by,
the operator is able to form a connection with
an organism through their wire-tentacles.
A brief, unstable bond forms and projects
its wave-shapes on to the operator,
offering a glimpse of the organisms inner world.
Studying their movements and shapes
reveals their algorithm.

Open-up their biosphere file, run all DAT's,
and search for their presence.

Don’t be afraid,
and experience
their autonomous being.

Press the space-bar to begin!